VOLUME 3 - NUMBER 1 - 2023

The fine crosstalk between vitamin D and pituitary gland

  • Simona Bolamperti, Isabella Villa, Andrea Giustina
  • Systematic review, 02-06
  • Full text PDF

  • Vitamin D, unlike other vitamins, is a fat-soluble steroid hormone rather than a cofactor for enzymatic reactions. The main role of vitamin D is to regulate bone metabolism and calcium-phosphate homeostasis. Lack of vitamin D causes osteomalacia and osteoporosis in adults, and rickets in children. Vitamin D receptor (VDR) expression levels throughout the body are quite variable. Interestingly, VDRs are found in pituitary tissue. Unsurprisingly, vitamin D levels might impact hypophyseal production or activity of hormones such as growth hormone, gonadotropins (follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone), prolactin, corticotropin, and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). On the other hand, pituitary hormones also influence vitamin D metabolism and several pituitary diseases are known to impact bone health. The aim of the present review is to collect available data on the crosstalk between vitamin D and the pituitary gland.

  • KEY WORDS: Vitamin D, pituitary, hormones.