VOLUME 1 - NUMBER 2 - 2021

The role of assistive devices in frail elderly people with fragility fractures: a narrative review

  • Giovanni Iolascon, Carla Michini, Robin Kuruvila Sentinella, Milena Aulicino, Antimo Moretti
  • Concise review, 53-58
  • Full text PDF

  • Fragility fractures commonly lead to disability. To improve and/or maintain physical function and independence in patients with bone fragility, several aids and orthoses are often prescribed in clinical practice for different purposes. Walking aids such as crutches, canes, walkers and wheelchairs are designed to assist walking and prevent falls in people with gait and balance impairments, or who are unable to walk alone. To facilitate transfers in patients with balance and coordination disorders, muscle weakness and impaired respiratory function, mobility devices such as toilet, shower and bed aids may be useful. Hip protectors are designed to decrease the impact forces generated by a fall on the greater trochanter. Wearing these devices at the time of a fall can decrease the risk of hip fracture. Spinal orthoses support a specific vertebral region, and they are worn, in the case of fractures, with the aim of providing stability, relieving pain and improving mobility. However, to maximise the beneficial effects and reduce the risk of adverse events, physicians need to promote correct use of assistive devices, as their incorrect use may increase the risk of both falls and of fall-related injuries.

  • KEY WORDS: frail elderly, osteoporosis, fragility fractures, assistive devices.